Sunday, November 7, 2010

Other places...

Why is it we always dream of being somewhere else? The restlessness I feel some days can be overwhelming. I am perfectly happy where I am so that is not the problem, and usually when I am away from here I feel anxious  to get back here. Home sweet home. That is the saying isn't it? It is my favorite place to be after all, with Cannon Beach a close second. Wait, Cannon Beach is first! Yet even after being at Cannon Beach, when in the car coming home, I am filled with this wonderful feeling that soon I will be here again. I can settle in and relax, no pressure to be somewhere or do anything if I don't want to...............Until that dream of being somewhere else starts sneaking in to my thoughts once more.....

Now this looks like a nice place to dream about on a cool and damp November day...

Maui, Hawaii - view from our condo lanai of a perfect sunset

Yes..this is where I would like to be today...

Maui...we will be back again to see you some day!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall sunshine...

Choosing just the right template and background for this blog has been a fun task. I think I have finished playing around and what you see is what I will keep for now.......until my mood changes again!

Today is my sweet husband Dale's birthday and with it came the sunshine! I took my camera outside to take this photo of the tree across the street with a beautiful luminescent light radiating from the leaves:

And a few photos of Falls in the past that are dear to my heart:

My sweet Atreyu around three months of age

Our lovely fawn girl Elsa at four months

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Glimpses of time...

Sometimes I just love to reflect on moments in time that I've witnessed....

The dark and light: dark rocks, clumps of sand, shadows in the waves, silhouette of the Boxer/Lab gazing at the silhouette of the Saluki; light sky, clouds, sky's reflection on the waves, crashing wave foam, and sand.
A quiet, peaceful moment....

Brown eyed parents and their blue eyed daughter....

The carefree joy of childhood on the beach....

A new bride celebrating at her bridal shower....

Grandfather's is a safe hand to hold when you see the world....

The tranquility of sleeping under a warm blanket....

A walkway to heaven on earth....

A great grandmother's table set for Easter dinner....

The sights of an American Fourth of July parade....

A heart uncovered by accident as the result of a leg injury....

A spider's web hanging in the sunlight of Fall....

A baby's first Halloween costume.....Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Looking back a year...

This is me, Atreyu, Elsa and Hadji taken in the field near our house in December 2009.