Sunday, November 7, 2010

Other places...

Why is it we always dream of being somewhere else? The restlessness I feel some days can be overwhelming. I am perfectly happy where I am so that is not the problem, and usually when I am away from here I feel anxious  to get back here. Home sweet home. That is the saying isn't it? It is my favorite place to be after all, with Cannon Beach a close second. Wait, Cannon Beach is first! Yet even after being at Cannon Beach, when in the car coming home, I am filled with this wonderful feeling that soon I will be here again. I can settle in and relax, no pressure to be somewhere or do anything if I don't want to...............Until that dream of being somewhere else starts sneaking in to my thoughts once more.....

Now this looks like a nice place to dream about on a cool and damp November day...

Maui, Hawaii - view from our condo lanai of a perfect sunset

Yes..this is where I would like to be today...

Maui...we will be back again to see you some day!

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